I was/am having a problem with coolant leaking a small amount when I drive my Z. As in not enough to actually find where the leak is coming from. So it was recommend that I pressure test the system (good call thank you). I pumped up the cooling system and found two leaks, but only when I got to the high point of the pressure. The manual states to pressurize it to 23 psi. I think I found the leaks around 22 psi. But I thought I should test the cap before I went any further fixing anything. Of the 3 caps I tested I got 3 different readings, as follows: 1 From my other Z 15psi 2 New OEM 17psi 3 My old cap from this Z 19psi The manual states the cap should release at 11 to 14 psi. As you can see I thought the old cap was holding too much pressure. But it looks like the new old is holding more than the manual states it should be holding. So witch is correct or is the new OEM cap bad, or is it not that important. I think a lot of people are running the Nismo cap which holds more pressure anyway. Thoughts
Follow Ups
Any one ever test their OEM raditor caps? - pieboy10023:31:48 12/03/12